This thread is only for donating members who wish to request official part numbers or Parts Diagrams.
Please don't post technical queries or ask 'how to' questions here. Create a thread in one of the main Citroen / Peugeot Forums for these queries.
This thread will be strictly moderated to provide a rapid turnaround by staff to specific requests without unnecessary comments and to ensure answers are directly related to the requests. Please avoid all superfluous posts as these will be regularly removed.
Please try and post your parts queries on this thread to ensure that the request is picked up. We will do our best to provide a quick turnaround for you wherever possible. We will only provide ad-hoc requests as required, so please don't make excessive demands.
We can help if you need an original genuine part number, part diagram or vehicle factory build sheet and can't already find the info you need on the Forum. For this service, we do ask for a membership upgrade for official parts data as we are in turn charged for this. It will cover you for future part number requests for up to 3 years *, so excellent value.
We do NOT provide Technical Documentation or Wiring Diagrams as part of this Service! We may only help with these if Staff already have them.
* Please note that the FCF can only provide this service to donating members for as long as the Stellantis Group provide access to us.
If interested, links are below, then provide your vehicle's VIN in full, which will be masked automatically when you submit your post.
A response to your question by a Forum Admin requiring parts or specific vehicle information requires you to have made a current contribution (Min. £10 / €11.48 or equivalent) to the Forum. |
To Upgrade Your Membership & Donate Click Here For Further Information About Vehicle Parts and VIN Numbers Click Here |