Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by harryp »

just seen this post.
Many years ago I suffered from a very wet front footwell carpet {cannot remember which side now).
I couldn't find source of the leak, so removed the plastic wheel arch shields and rolled the rubber drain hoses between my fingers. A surprising amount of dried dirt fell out and until I sorned it (Xantia) had no recurrence.
May be irrelevant but worth checking?
Regards, Harry

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by myglaren »

Had the same with the GS but the drain hoses passed through the liner and were easy to access. Sleeve full of mucky water and leaves though.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by quintet »

CitroJim wrote: 25 Dec 2023, 17:56 I've tried to use a substitute standard 10% tolerance carbon film resistor to try and 'fool' an airbag ECU on a Xantia in the past with poor results...

I'm wondering if the ECU is looking for a very precise resistance reading and maybe looking for a bit of inductance too in an attempt to know it's a real airbag it's looking at...

The difference between 2.4 ohms and 2.6 ohms may be just too far out of its range of tolerance.

An interesting experiment would be to take a 2.4 ohm test resistor, a standard value in the E24 series, and choosing one nearest to 2.4 ohms, and see if this makes the ECU happy. The next standard E24 value is 2.7 ohms but you may, in a small batch, find one nearer to 2.6 ohms to confirm your airbag has gone out of ECU tolerance.

Also, many carbon film resistors are spiral wound so have a little inherent inductance and this too may upset the ECU if it's really fussy...

I didn't get the chance to test this, i should have looked into the cause of the issue better but the problem had dragged on too long and i was still slightly concerned that the windscreen replacement might just of had an affect on something within the airbag network. The replacement airbag has fixed the issue, i've still got the old one as they can be a faff to dispose of (i really need to sort this as it's an "explosive device" which needs secure storage) so i'll need to sort that out, really by setting it off! which is the only way the local municipal refuse centre will take it, it'll be interesting to see if it does actually "go off".
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by CitroJim »

It'll be good to hear how it went when you set it off, and the methods you used :)

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by 407 »

Re the 407 door seal issue and airbag warnings, after a few days of rain and testing with the hose, I gave up as water was still pooling on top of the bottom door seal and then running inside the car.

My solution was to put a few holes thru the seal with a leather hole punch tool which seems to allow the water to exit (the door seal gets squashed when the door closes)

Not ideal but the only solution I could see bar a new door seal which probably would not help anyway

Time will tell if the carpet still gets wet

on the airbag waring light itself, it now generally stays off but turns on every few trips - I have a new used crash sensor coming (part 9636982680)
407 door seal holes to allow water to run out
407 door seal holes to allow water to run out
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by 407 »

Hi Marc

I have a long standing intermittent C613 code on my 407 ES9 which Diag helpfully says is Rear right satellite or front right door fault.

I thought it was the crash sensor behind the drivers (part 9636982680) as it was water logged but suspect some other connector is poorly.

Do you have a loom diagram showing where the air bag / sensor connectors are on the drivers side (right hand drive)


ps - the carpet is now dry so holes in rubber seal worked
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by CitroJim »

407 wrote: 07 Nov 2024, 11:08 ps - the carpet is now dry so holes in rubber seal worked

That's good :D

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

407 wrote: 07 Nov 2024, 11:08 Hi Marc

I have a long standing intermittent C613 code on my 407 ES9 which Diag helpfully says is Rear right satellite or front right door fault.

I thought it was the crash sensor behind the drivers (part 9636982680) as it was water logged but suspect some other connector is poorly.

Do you have a loom diagram showing where the air bag / sensor connectors are on the drivers side (right hand drive)


ps - the carpet is now dry so holes in rubber seal worked
I need you to confirm the type of BSI you have as there are specific diagrams for each. The problem is that your VIN doesn't state which you have (as both types could of been fitted during the changeover).

It should be either a Siemens unit for non-BSI Evolution + Com 2008 or
BSI Evolution + Com 2008 (JCAE or Visteon)

To help, these should have distinguishing features to identify them.
BSI EvolutionNon BSI Evolution
BSI Evolution.png
Non BSI Evolution.png

As soon as you can advise, I can provide you with the correct diagram.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Looks like I have the BSI Evolution one
BSA serial
BSA serial
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

So this is where the rear satellite sensor will be (ditto for either side):
407 Rear Satellite.png


With the exception of the wiring codes, most of the component codes are indexed here:

PSA Electrical Diagrams - Wiring & Symbols Codes Index
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by 407 »

Thanks Marc

I was assuming there might be air bag connectors that need movement / contact spray cleaner to clean contacts

The code also mentions "or front door"

Is there a loom / harness picture that shows the wiring loom / harness in the car itself ?
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by 407 »

Thanks Marc

So pulled the driver's rear door floor panel off and found the rear satellite sensor 9636982880 pretty easily (see pic)

Pulled the plug on and off as few time plus some sprayed some contact cleaner but no change in the air bag warning (eg came back on) on my test drive.

I pulled the front door driver's kick panel cover off but could not find any sensors there - any idea where the front one is ?

Also, do the connectors to the air bags in the doors or in / under the seat affect the C613 error or is it just in respect of the rear and front satellite sensors ?

I have assumed the sensor itself is okay given most times the air bag warning disappears but may swap it for the passenger side and see what happens / the fault moves to that side - any other way to test it ?

Of interest, there is a panel on side of the dash (drivers side) that I pulled off in my search - I removed the plug but its not connected to an thing -any idea ? Maybe a option to disable a passenger air bag on left hand models ?
407 rear drivers side satellite sensor location
407 rear drivers side satellite sensor location
Part number
Part number
407 front drivers side sensor can't be found
407 front drivers side sensor can't be found
407 dash panel - what does wiring do
407 dash panel - what does wiring do
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by 407 »

Issue solved but not as expected

Basically I swapped the rear driver side air bag sensor 963 698 2680 with the one I replaced a few months behind the driver seat (eg water inside cabin issue) and the error went away.

This does not make sense as the one I replaced under the drivers seat "appeared" faulty and swapping it made the air bag warnings disappear.

Anyway, no air bag warnings for the last 2 weeks.

Go figure.
Last edited by 407 on 25 Nov 2024, 19:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by CitroJim »

Well, all I can say is that's normal... For any French car ;) :lol:

Seriously, a good result however it came about :D

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