C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

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C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

Unread post by NAM »

Hi All
It's been a while since I was on the forum but I could do with a bit of help. My 2009 C5 Tourer has failed its MOT as the handbrake is not doing its job properly.

The cable at the caliper end seems to be sticking too far out so when the unit engages there is insufficient pull.

The options discussed with me by the garage are to either replace the rear discs and pads which will take up some of the cable slack and therefore apply more pull when the parking brake is applied or to replace the unit including cables. There is a note on that the cable support to the caliper on one side is damaged.
The price for a replacement unit comes in around £780 plus fitting. So, as I don't want to spend that kind of money I wonder if anyone else has had similar or could recommend a cheaper price for a replacement unit.
The parking brake does hold the car on the drive but I need to sort this out in the next week or so to get a new MOT.

Look forward to your thoughts.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I think these are main dealer only unfortunately. I was going to suggest that the electronic handbrake unit be recallibrated to see if that will sort the issue out, but if you have been told the cable is damaged, I'm not sure there are any other options other than trying to get a replacement from a breakers and then having it coded / calibrated to the car. It may be a bit cheaper.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

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Thanks Marc. Is it easy to recalibrate or better if Citroen do it? I'm thinking it might be worth a go. The hand brake does hold the car on a reasonable slope so there is some braking.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

There is a procedure completed with the bespoke Diagbox diagnostic system, but if you don't have this then it may be worth ringing Citroën (who do) to see what impact or likelihood that this will help.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

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Thanks Marc, I will have a chat with them in the morning.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

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I had a similar problem two years ago with the MOT examiner saying that a part in the rear section of the handbrake cable on my 09 Tourer was starting to break up. He passed it because the handbrake still worked ok! When I had a look I could see that the spacer on the LH rear caliper - item 4 on the Citroen Service diagram - was actually broken in the middle but both ends were still on the cable. If one or both sections had disintegrated completely and fallen off, the spacing function would obviously have been completely lost and the inner cable would have become loose in the outer with consequent loss of function. As it was, I was able to araldite the two halves together and reseat the spacer. Two years on it is still ok. However, as a precaution, I did get two new spacers from the local Citroen dealer to fit if needed. Must be the cheapest items ever from Chez Citroen - £2.95 the pair, part number 471911.
If your spacers are starting to crack up maybe that could explain the loss of efficiency in your handbrake
c5 handbrake spacer.jpg
c5 handbrake.jpg
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Thanks for posting that info Pete, sounds a very important check all X7 owners with EPBs could do as a preventative measure!

Could you let us know what was involved in replacing them so we can determine what sort of technical skills are needed and how long it took you to undertake the repair? I'll then copy the topic to the hints and fixes section.
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Re: C5 Tourer 2009 Electronic Handbrake MOT issue

Unread post by petef »

Ok Marc,it's not a big job to check the cable spacer on the EPB. As I said I haven't actually replaced mine, but I've just had a quick look and should only take 10mins.

Procedure to inspect and replace EPB spacer C5 x7
1) Suspension to high ( hydractive model)
2) Chock front of car
3) Jack up and remove rear road wheel
4) Handbrake to off - Ignition on
- Foot on brake pedal
- Hand brake switch down
- Ignition off
Handbrake should stay off
5) Inspect spacer (see photo) - also convoluted protective rubber cable cover - mine is shredding
6) For closer inspection and removal of spacer pull cable inner off brake actuating arm, then pull inner and outer cable out of arm from front of car - spacer can then be replaced if needed. Ensure that the spacer seats correctly in the arm.
7) Cable back onto arm etc.......
8) Check operation of EPB.

There may be nothing wrong with yours but at less than £3 to replace both spacers rather than £780 plus fitting for a new EPB it's surely worth a look.
c5 epb spacer.JPG