[Info] RD45 USB stick

This unit is the RD4 or RD45 system, made by Continental.
Usually standard equipment unless another system is specified as an option. There are Single & Dual Tuner versions. RD45 features over the RD4: The RD45 has USB connectivity & integrated Bluetooth module supporting Phone & Audio Streaming.
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[Info] RD45 USB stick

Unread post by the-termin8r »

I finally got around to getting a USB stick to work with my RD45 and in the process noticed that there wasn't too much info surrounding the limitations of the stick. And some of the info was either conflicting or didn't make sense. So I'm just leaving my findings here for anyone to stumble upon in the future.

- I don't know if there's a stick capacity limit, but mine took a 128GB SanDisk like this without issue. It also took an old 128GB SanDisk Dual Drive like this. Both sticks are some variation of USB 3.

- I also don't know if there's a song limit, but it took ~3115, 320kb/s, 44.1kHz, MP3 files. The stick was formatted as FAT32 at default settings.

- Strangely, a SanDisk 32GB USB 2 Cruzer Blade like this DID NOT work. I tried two different sticks, both kept throwing up "USB peripheral error" regardless of formatting. Not sure why the USB 3.x sticks worked, but not the USB 2, the radio's port is only USB 2.

- In terms of formatting and supported file types, I managed to dig up a manual in Portuguese (attached below). As I understand it, only FAT or FAT32 formatting work, not sure if you can get away with exFAT. For file types you can use MP3, WMA (standard 9 at 128kb/s), WAV and OGG. Playlist file types supported are supposedly M3U, PLS and WPL. I can't verify any of the playlist types as I don't have playlists.

- The radio understands folder structures, the right scroll wheel on the steering wheel goes through the folders, the media buttons go through the songs in each folder.

- When you plug the stick in, the radio should start indexing everything as long as the ignition is on. Indexing occurs with every ignition. Indexing should get faster over time if you haven't added or removed files.
RD45 manual (Portoguese).zip
(730.07 KiB) Downloaded 141 times
- Rob

My account accidentally got deleted late Dec '23, so if you're reading my posts from then or earlier and they look weird / are missing media, that's why. Not much can be done, sorry.