Bluetooth radio upgrade

This unit is the RD4 or RD45 system, made by Continental.
Usually standard equipment unless another system is specified as an option. There are Single & Dual Tuner versions. RD45 features over the RD4: The RD45 has USB connectivity & integrated Bluetooth module supporting Phone & Audio Streaming.
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Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by shawstvs »

Hi all
I'm new to this forum but have been reading this with interest
I'm looking to upgrade my Belingo B9 van RD45 to bluetooth along with the display, I have USB/AUX cable and microphone but there is what must be a microphone - factory fitted I assume - poking out of the drivers A pillar - looks like a small computer mouse but there is no bluetooth on stereo or no wireless connection that my phone picks up
I was wandering if this microphone can be used when I upgrade the radio to bluetooth unit as it must?? be wired to van loom rather than using microphone that plugs into stereo, unless it is one left in the van from a bluetooth kit of some sort used previously. If I install one with stereo will it interfere with the other?
I'm really not sure here so any info would be much appreciated

Last edited by GiveMeABreak on 31 Jan 2024, 19:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

There are no factory fitted microphones that poke out of anywhere, so either it's an aftermarket fitment or something completely different, but it won't be the original if fitted as these are always installed in the front roof cavity module.
If it's a small round sensor, you may be mistaking it for the ultrasonic motion detection sensors which are part of the alarm system, but without a photo, we haven't really got a clue.

Anyway, if you have an RD45 already as you say, then you already have bluetooth, as these have integrated bluetooth inside the Head Unit.
Are you confusing this with the RD4 which does not have integrated bluetooth?

It may be easier if you post up your VIN so I can see exactly what you do have, which will avoid lots of irrelevant questions. Please post your VIN in full without spaces - it will be automatically masked from public view after submitting your post & will only be visible to staff.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Then other videos will follow when you search
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by shawstvs »

Thanks for the response
You're right mine is RD4, I've bought a used RD45 to install with wiring etc but was unsure about mic
My VIN VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

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Huskyxantia wrote: 31 Jan 2024, 19:35
Then other videos will follow when you search
Thanks for the info
Cheers :-D
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Ok, confirmed you have RD4, so some things to consider.

Read through some other posts on this RD4 thread first as a lot of them cover this issue.
Second, I'm not showing the built-in factory microphone as fitted on your vehicle, so can't tell what you were referring to in your first post without a picture (you can snap a pic with your phone and upload it to the forum directly using the full post editor button, then ATTACHMENTS, Upload the pic and place it in your post).

So depending on what the object is on the A Pillar, (somebody may have installed an aftermarket microphone and left it there rather than going through the hassle of removing it), it may or may not be of any use. You'll certainly need one though have to and wire it into the Head unit rear connector (see other posts for pinouts).
You'll also need the relevant mutifunction screen to be replaced with an EMF C display of the relevant software level for this to work - again it's all been covered int he multitude of posts on this specific section of the Forum.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by shawstvs »

OK many thanks for the info
I have the display along with radio I bought from same vehicle just wanted to sure about microphone? in case it affected or interfered with the install
Pic attached of microphone pretty much identical to what is sticking out of A pillar

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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

I don't think that is a PSA microphone.

There will be a place for a microphone above the panel between the sun visors. There will be a connector floating behind that, but the other end of the cable will be going to a (blue) socket for the earlier hands-free box somewhere behind the dashboard.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by shawstvs »

OK cheers for that
I'm going to tackle the install at the weekend so any trouble I'll use the forum threads or come back to here if any bother
Many thanks
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by shawstvs »

While I'm on does anyone know what the round black thing is at top of windscreen
Is that related to mic/bluetooth slipped my mind earlier

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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

xantia_v6 wrote: 01 Feb 2024, 00:08 I don't think that is a PSA microphone.

There will be a place for a microphone above the panel between the sun visors. There will be a connector floating behind that, but the other end of the cable will be going to a (blue) socket for the earlier hands-free box somewhere behind the dashboard.
It's not shown as fitted Mike - checked VIN and no Microphone part listed for this vehicle, whereas some don't have the kit but include the microphone.
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

My understanding was that anything fitted with an RD4 is pre-wired for the hands-free module, which was a dealer upgrade. Maybe I was mistaken?
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Re: Bluetooth radio upgrade

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I know on loads of models I have checked, the part is shown and importantly listed to show the part number available under the VIN, but in this particular case, it has filtered the microphone out and is not listed with a part shown.

In many vehicles the pre-wiring was there, and the part number was shown, but not in this case, so just wanted to mention it before he tears the module down in case it is not there. This is a B9 Utility vehicle and we know that as these are configurable, so it may be one reason why it's not there.

In any case, it's my experience that they are generally speaking no good in any case, as most have a connection to a ribbon cable that disappears into the depths of the loom behind the dashboard, so can't practically be used, and many end up wiring in an independent microphone into the appropriate pin at back of the RD45 block, which is a lot easier.

@shawstvs: Which is another thing that black disc may be - have a look at the other side and see if you can find any holes which may indicate some body has wired in an aftermarket mic before.
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