FCF Acceptable Usage Policy (updated April 2023)

Forum Rules. Please read.Applies to members old and new.
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Forum Admin Team
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FCF Acceptable Usage Policy (updated April 2023)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

French Car Forum & Wiki Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

The French Car Forum is an independent discussion forum for owners of French cars.
  • The Forum is hosted, operated and maintained by the Webmaster, Administrators and Moderators (the Admin Team). It is not connected to any Company or Organisation.
  • The Forum is funded by private donations and does not accept paid advertising or sponsorship from anyone.
  • The aim of the Forum is to encourage discussion, debate and to share knowledge and practical DIY tips with fellow enthusiasts for the benefit of Members worldwide.
While the Admin Team of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the Admin Team (except for posts by this group) and hence will not be held liable.

By joining, or posting on our Forum, you are bound by our Rules and Acceptable Usage Policy.

(A) Posting
  1. A person may only operate one forum account (except with express permission from the site administrators) and it is forbidden to post from another account to hide the users real identity.
  2. All posts should be in the English language and in "Plain English" and not "textspeak". This is so posts can be understood more easily by those who are outside the UK.
  3. We reserve the right to edit, move or delete posts, and also to suspend or lock membership at our discretion.
  4. You agree not to post any content that promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
  5. Discussions related to politics, religion and matters of a sexual nature are completely banned.
  6. You agree not to post content that is abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned.
  7. (i) You agree not to post any content that may contravene current legislation, or encourage any applicable laws to be broken in the UK, or is likely to be contrary to the laws of a member’s country. This includes disabling and / or removing emissions control devices such as Diesel Particulate Filters, Catalytic Converters, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) systems, EGR valves or EGR Blanking for example. Please do not ask for help with disabling or modifying vehicle safety systems.
    (ii) Whilst general discussion and debate is welcomed, practical advice, procedural information or any encouragement that contradicts 7.(i) is not permitted.
    (iii) Do not post any content that is dangerous or likely to cause harm, injury or damage.
  8. Personal email addresses and other contact details such as private / mobile phone numbers and addresses must not be posted in the public forums. The Private Messaging or Email contact system may be used as an alternative to communicate this type of information to other members.
(B) Moderation
  1. The Decision of the Admin Team is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  2. You agree that the Admin Team of the Forum has the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
(C) Advisory
  1. Members are advised that Diagnostic Tools (including Diagbox / Lexia / PP 2000 as examples) should only be used by those with an understanding of their operation. Incorrect use can lead to vehicles becoming damaged or non-operative as well as damaging the equipment.
  2. Advice offered on the Forum by members is freely given, but end users should always seek information from a variety of sources before deciding to act upon any course of action.
  3. The Admin Team accepts no responsibility whatsoever, for any damage to any vehicle, associated systems, or injuries to any persons, howsoever caused.
(D) Data & Copyright
  1. You agree that all content, once posted, is deemed to be in the Public Domain or released under a licence compatible with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike:
  2. All content will be stored in a database. Any deleted or edited content may be restored at our discretion to ensure that the infrastructure and integrity of the Forum is maintained.
  3. All IP addresses of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.
  4. Information posted to the public areas of the Forum is visible to other members and other internet users. Passwords are securely held in an encrypted database and these cannot be accessed even by our site administrators. Email addresses, and IP addresses are kept secure on a best-effort basis. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the Admin Team cannot be held responsible for any cyber-attacks or hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
  5. Our cookies are used to track your sessions on this site and are necessary for normal operation, but do not track usage to any other site.
  6. Your email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password, and by the Admin Team to contact members as appropriate. Your email will also be used for any subscribed notifications you have set up.
(E) Commerce & Advertising
  1. Advertising of commercial activities is not allowed without express permission from the Admin Team. Such posts may be treated as spam and may therefore result in removal of Forum privileges.
  2. Requests (expressed or implied) for payment to forum members in return for assistance on the forum are forbidden.
(F) User Profiles

Members are encouraged to personalise their profiles, but to ensure that mobile device users are not adversely affected, please observe the following when completing the signature area (the line that appears beneath each of your posts):
  1. No more than 4 lines of text
  2. A maximum of 30 words in total
  3. No images, graphics or logos
  4. No more than one link or URL
(G) Technical Queries - Vehicles

Access to PSA (Citroen, Peugeot & DS Automobiles) parts and vehicle data is now chargeable from 16th March 2020.

The FCF will to continue to provide this key service to support members. To do this, the FCF will only provide technical data/support that requires chargeable access to those members who have made a £10 minimum donation to the Forum fund in the current or previous calendar year. Once published on the FCF, the parts information will remain free for all to read.

We may require vehicle data from your VIN (which will be automatically masked from public view) in order to provide assistance with:
  1. Official PSA Part Numbers.
  2. Marque, Model, Engine.
  3. Factory Fitted Options.
  4. Build Date Codes.
  5. Vehicle Characteristics.
  6. Data to Support Technical Responses.

    The Admin Team reserve the right to amend this Acceptable Usage Policy as necessary.
Please Don't PM Me For Technical Help
