My entry into the world of Xantia ownership happened somewhat by accident. Until I acquired a Xantia, I had been a confirmed Peugeot owner, having run 405 diesels for a good few years and branching out into the ownership and restoration of a Peugeot 205GTi for fun.
Back along, my son ran a Ford Fiesta which he blew up rather spectacularly one day after running it out of oil

The Xantia bug bit hard with the old TD and not so long after I got it, I became aware of the Activa. I wanted one and eventually got hold of an outwardly looking sound late S2 model that turned out to be a bit of a wreck. The only good parts were the important bits; engine, rams and heater matrix

Latterly, the cost of petrol and changes in domestic needs rendered the continued running of two highly-strung and not particularly economical petrol cars a bit impractical and either the Activa or 205GTI had to go to make way for something more practical. The GTi lost and was sold for a very good price to a fellow enthusiast and I invested in perhaps the most useful and practical of the Xantia family; my 2.1TD Estate. It was (and is) not without its problems and is still a "work in progress" as is my Activa. Both still have a long list of jobs waiting to be done; not least a heater matrix on the 2.1

Xantias are also my therapy. Life in the past has not been kind and I have suffered, as a result, from mental health issues. I'm fine now but still carry a legacy of being unable to tolerate any sort of stress, a severe fear of flying and a need to take things carefully in life and not push the limits too much. Back when things were not so good, I was advised to get a pastime that would absorb me totally and allow me to "escape" into another world. I had the concept of basket weaving as an aid to recovery explained to me and my particular take on basket weaving are my Xantias. They perform their original theraputic function splendidly to this day and I expect they will for many years. It might seem strange that a car that may induce stress in some people actually does the opposite for me and I actively look forward to solving a problem on them. Looking after this forum keeps me healthy as well!