Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

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Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by Joram »

Hi all,

Im new to this forum. I am happy I found it.

In pp2000 I can see the 'clutch switch' configuration as 'present' in engine ECU.
But when looking at "Parameter measurements" clutch pedal registers as '???'

Does this mean it's broken? I think this is the reason I cannot change cruise control from missing to present.
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by Joram »

I also don't know if it is the correct ecu I have selected... But other things work fine. I cannot really find a definitive answer as to where and how to find the ecu model
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Your vehicle was not fitted with Cruise Control from factory.
You will have either a Bosch 7.4.4 or 7.4.5
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by Joram »

Hi thanks for your reply!

I know this. But does this mean I won't be able to activate it at all? Is that why it says missing instead of absent?
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by ozvtr »

It means the system has been told that it's there...but it's not actually there.
You can look at the top of the pedal box, at the top of the clutch lever and look for a grey micro switch. Most likely it wont be there.
Are you asking if you could ever add cruise control? Probably yes. But you will need to acquire some bits and those bits might be very rare by now!
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by Joram »

I've added this picture I took. Is this what you mean with at the top? Or should I be looking somewhere else?

Also yes I would really like to activate it (like every other 206 owner I guess lol). But if it isn't possible then it isn't possible..

I also see two wires to the brake switch. But when I read forums and see videos they say this is not the actual switch in question. So I'm not sure about it
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by ozvtr »

OH! Left hand drive! I didn't think of that.
The clutch switch is the brown and white thing at the top left of the pic. I cant tell if there is a connector plugged into it or not.
The big problem is the brake switch. It only looks to have 1 set of contacts. It needs to have 2 sets of contacts. Is there a small adapter loom going from the switch to the main loom? Or is that black connector coming from the main loom?
If the main loom only has 2 wires coming from it then you won't be able to upgrade.
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by Joram »

Hi sorry for the late reply I've been sick. Are these pictures useful for you?
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Re: Peugeot 206 clutch pedal sensor question

Unread post by ozvtr »

Bad news, brake switch only has 2 wires and there is only 2 wires coming from the loom. Needs to be 4 wires.
The clutch switch is there and wired into the loom. I don't know why it doesn't show up on the actuator tests.