Documentary on the CX

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Documentary on the CX

Unread post by wurlycorner »

Spotted this today on Youtube (also see the main Citroen section where I've posted a link to another documentary on the Tissier conversions)

Haven't had the time to watch it all myself yet - will do later - but posting for others enjoyment!

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer