lever arm support shaft for regulating hot/ cold Aircon snapped

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lever arm support shaft for regulating hot/ cold Aircon snapped

Unread post by Daithi »

Hi everyone, I hope someone can direct me on this one.

I was dismantling the lever arm from the air conditioning system behind glove compartment ( car is left hand drive). it is held by two rotating shafts ( top shaft extends out 2cms to couple on lever arm plus adjoining cog and the bottom shaft extends by 1cm to attach the other end of the lever arm). Each shaft is able to rotate flaps located within the inner casing box. However, the lower shaft bit has snapped and I am up in arms about how to fix this. Any simple solution would be great. Or does it mean having take it to the Citroen workshop for the mechanics to undo the front layout of the dashboard in order to access the inner air conditioning casing and then to disassemble the casing to replace the bottom inner flap. #-o Advice would be appreciated

David M
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Re: lever arm support shaft for regulating hot/ cold Aircon snapped

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It depends on the exact version of the C4 GP, as on some vehicles there is a repair kit available. It will be dependent on type of A/C system, so I'd recommend you may want to check with them first before dismantling.
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Re: lever arm support shaft for regulating hot/ cold Aircon snapped

Unread post by Daithi »

Thanks for the message Marc,

I will try to bond the piece together first with baking soda and glue and hope for the best

David M