508 II 2019 sunroof and roof parts diagram

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508 II 2019 sunroof and roof parts diagram

Unread post by vnava »


I'm making some external repairs to my 508, and one detail that bothers me is the presence of some "cracks" in the plastic frames around the sunroof (external part at the roof), they are frontal and lateral plastic frames in piano black.

I still haven't figured out if it's possible to remove just these frames, or if it's part of the entire sunroof assembly, so I would like to ask, is it possible to send the diagram of the sunroof and roof parts, please?

The vin number is VR3**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff].

Please let me know if the donation I made in the past is still valid to get this diagram!

Thanks in advance,