Here's my Saturday Album:
Tomorrow should bring more

Just one of many stickers on a Xsara Picasso

Steph was part of the team including Hubnut that organised the Rustival festival earlier in the year.CitroJim wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 09:05 I did see HubNut filming at Chevrons and had a short chat with him...
He didn't say Neil although he did see and briefly comment on them. He made a video on the AX a long while back which I've seen on YouTube... It was very well made.NewcastleFalcon wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 09:10Was Hubnut interested in borrowing your pair of AX for one of his videosCitroJim wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 09:05 I did see HubNut filming at Chevrons and had a short chat with him...I am sure Steph would do one too if you ever come across her in your classic travels