CX Prestige for sale

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CX Prestige for sale

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Hi everyone.
Not sure I'm posting this in the right place so please bear with me.
I am selling a CX Prestige for a friend.
It's a Y reg 2.4i auto that has been stood under a leaky lean to for some time. It is 99% complete and I have had the engine turning over. It was originally stood up because it needed the octopus fluid return replacing, it was otherwise in running order as a daily driver. That owner is now sadly deceased and it has to go. It has V5 keys and some paperwork with it. It would need a full restoration or would be a great spares car. The velour interior is actually pretty good. I can supply photos to anyone interested. I guess it's worth what someone would pay for it? Simon. Please text or WhatsApp first so I know who you are! Cheers
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Re: CX Prestige for sale

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

You will have a better chance of moving it on if you post a few pictures, and give a description of any rust damage.