What a fantastic blend of luxury and Lada parts bin items...Like a more modern version of the Tatra T-613. Stinking great luxobarge, which you look out of over a Skoda Estelle steering wheel and assorted bits of switchgear from the same factory.
Current fleet:
07 Volvo V70 SE D5, 88 Renault 25 Monaco, 85 Sinclair C5, 84 Trabant 601S, 75 Rover 3500, 73 AC Model 70.
I did think FIAT but couldn't recall one that size, I bought and sold two Lancia Gammas one as in your photo and a saloon, the saloon was a bit of a nightmare for me, when I bought it it had a failed head gasket and as it's a boxer engine and has two heads the job grew, I then found that the camshafts were badly worn, very little of the lobes left so two camshafts needed.
I fixed it all up and in the end still made a small profit but it was damned hard work.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. (Albert Einstein)
Not the commonest of Fiats it's true but just the square rear plate immediately tells you it's Italian (as neither the Swiss nor the Vietnamese are great car producing nations) - which does narrow it down a bit.
Big difference between the last Tatras & this era Zil is the driven wheels, seems at last they'd stopped looking at old Packards for inspiration - & discovered/developed FWD!
'81 2CV Club
'05 C15
'97 Xantia Exclusive estate
Jeep XJ Cherokees x 3
'96 Cadillac Eldorado
'99 Cadillac STS
& the numerous "abandoned projects"
The Plate looks something like 781 CK 45. The Department Number 45 is Loiret so the "owner" would most likely be a resisdent of that Department as re-registration was required if they moved permanently to another Department.
If you pick the right download from that site on 31st December 1955 reg no 695 CJ 45 was issued in Loiret Department. By 31st December 1956 Loiret Department had issued reg no 923 CX 45. In all likelyhood that SIMCA Aronde was first registered January/February 1956.
Now I don't think there is enough evidence here to get this whatsthisthen?
I would describe it as a classic and a significant model, a rare on the road sight these days but well known to the general carsmith
But there may be some of you who can look at a wheel and say immediately...that's a....
It is orange but probably not as bright as the photo may suggest as it was taken in the twilight of around 7pm today.
N Falcon own Work 20/09/2017
Regards Neil
Last edited by NewcastleFalcon on 20 Sep 2017, 20:31, edited 1 time in total.
Impressed is the word of the day! Particularly if you got it from the wheel alone
Carsmithing of the first order Jim.
here it is in all its glory, made it with its wankel from Germany to Northumberland. I was going to put up its German Plates as a clue but just as I was about to post it up I realised the plate was TO R0 80 H.
n falcon own work
nfalcon own work
Regards Neil
Last edited by NewcastleFalcon on 21 Sep 2017, 07:55, edited 1 time in total.