Multiple cars - what do you guys do for insurance?

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Moderator: RichardW

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Joined: 23 May 2003, 03:34
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Post by bxbodger »

The problem in the UK is that almost all traffic policing is now done by remote camera and is purely about revenue raising; therefore a lot of people don't bother with insurance at all as there is virtually no chance of being stopped and nicked; in a lot of cases the fines are set lower than the cost of insurance anyway, and the scummers then don't pay the fines as they know the law won't bother coming looking for them.
Unfortunately this means that the law abiding among us have to pay high premiums because the scumbags don't pay at all.
Just a few weeks back outside my office a low-life in an old micra crashed into a Merc, jumped out, and ran off; no tax, insurance, or anything; just untraceable, and the next day no doubt he's back in another car with no insurance.