diagbox for win7 64bit

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diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by nikeastwood »

which diagbox do I need to buy for a win 7 laptop with 64bit

my older 32bit lappy had version 7.02 on it and installed and worked fine [laptop now dead], but the same software doesnt want to run with 64bit

no egr, no dpf, no problems.
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Re: diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It won't. Diagbox version 7.** is not designed for 64 bit operating systems. Although the 32 bit 'Diagbox' programme will run on a 64 bit OS, the sub-programmes contained within like Lexia and Peugeot Planet 2000 will not run natively under a 64 bit OS as they were written in 16 bit code.

You may only resolve this using a virtual machine which your laptop must have the capability to run and the memory resources to go with it.
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Re: diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by cit-rotti »

If you do not have a laptop that is suitable for a VM installation, you can install a native installation of software version 9.xxx suitable for WIN7 64 bit pro as an alternative to the 7.xx VM software version, e.g. the native software version 9.216 - activation code 15 €.

There are also free native 9.xxx software versions. Please note, however, that most 9.xxx software versions require WIN 10 or WIN11 64 bit and that no virus software may interfere with a native installation - not even Windows Defender.

Most VCIs that worked with the 7.xx software also work with the 9.xxx software - but sometimes they don't - you have to try it out.

Good information on this can be found at

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Re: diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by Mihael_M »

https://guiapsa.foroactivo.com/t2128-05 ... s-18-12-24
Why would you use a VM if you have Win 7? I use 9.85 and 9.150. Those versions are free as well as this Robert version.
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Re: diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by cit-rotti »

The versions 9.85 and 9.150 are from Robert at https://guiapsa..es there is also the 9.199.
If you want to use these correctly, the firmware must be adapted according to Robert's recommendation. Both versions are good but not perfect. This is what ‘Robert’ always writes; whereby the 9.150 etc. is based on the 9.85 and manual corrections have been made, i.e. it is not a true copy of the original software. For the usual diagnosis probably without restriction/meaning.

See also my recommendation:
There are also free native 9.xxx software versions and that no virus software may interfere with a native installation - not even Windows Defender.
If possible, the laptop should then only be used for diagnostics.

Even if VM versions are somewhat more complicated/expensive to use, this has the advantage - provided that the laptop is technically suitable - that the laptop can be used for other activities and there are no virus problems.
If a 7.xx software version is preferred for good reasons and not only the Diagbox but also the LEXIA 3 or PLANET is required for older vehicles, then only a VM version is possible with a WIN 64-bit system. If the software part for the older vehicles is not required, then the Diagbox 7.xx can of course be installed on WIN7 or WIN10 64-bit, because the DB is a 32-bit system.

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Re: diagbox for win7 64bit

Unread post by Djandree »

Look for psa-diag fr