Citroen Trellisac

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Steve Walsh
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Citroen Trellisac

Unread post by Steve Walsh »

This is just a big recommendation for my nearest Citroen dealer.
I bought the used C5 Aircross from them in January this year with a 12 month warranty,
a couple of times in the past months I get an intermittent Adblue Consumption fault warning , it usually lasts for about 5-10 mins then goes away, The last time I was in the dealers I mentioned it but they said there was no fault in the memory.
The past couple of days this has happened and stayed on long enough to trigger engine management light, I read the codes and got a ''P208E'' DeNox system fault.
I cleared the code but it came back after about 70km.
Sods law I need the car for a trip to UK from this Friday, a round trip of 1500km, so i went to the dealer and asked them to look at it, they are fully booked until christmas but agreed to do diagnostic, while I wait, after an hour in the waiting lounge, with coffee, an comfy couches, they diagnosed faulty Adblue injector, Replaced it with new, road tested and gave it back to me, no charge as just in the warranty......
So from me a big thankyou and highly recommend to anyone in this area to

Citroen Trellisac
Dordogne France
You made my day...
Thanx to Marc and all the admins & knowledgeable people that make this the best forum on the interweb. =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Citroen Trellisac

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Great work from them .
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.