Greetings from the Midlands

A forum for new members to introduce themselves to the rabble already onboard. Not compulsory!
Tell us a little about yourself, lie if you have to but keep it to just an introduction, not a car discussion.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2023, 23:15

Greetings from the Midlands

Unread post by K4king »

Hi All,

I am a new member and have just bought a 2014 DS5 2.0HDI. I am pleased with my first 200 miles but have a few little issues that I hope you guys can help me with!

Look forward to exploring and fixing the little issues. Any advice greatly appreciated.

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A very naughty boy
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Re: Greetings from the Midlands

Unread post by CitroJim »

Welcome Kristen :)

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...