Lexia locations

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Joined: 02 Mar 2008, 14:30
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Lexia locations

Unread post by myglaren »

Following the guidance below, you will find a list of FCF members with PSA diagnostic kits who have volunteered their services. At the beginning and end of the list, there is a link to a Google map which shows geographically the locations of these members.

To contact a member, please click on their username on the list, and you will be taken to their profile page. From there, you can contact the member either by PM (Private Message) or Email by clicking on the relevant link shown. Please bear in mind that not all members are active all the time on the Forum and it may take a while for a reply - or the member could be away. We are revising the list annually.

General Diagnostic Notes
Please note the following points when using Lexia, Planet or Clip diagnostic equipment!
  • A Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) and associated software such as Diagbox, Lexia, and Peugeot Planet 2000 are professional-level diagnostic tools. Extreme care should be taken when using these devices as incorrect use may adversely affect your vehicle and at worse render it unusable.
  • The FCF takes no responsibility for any damage to any vehicle, persons or equipment, howsoever caused.
  • Before making any changes, ALWAYS take a screen shot or 'Print Screen' of the current configuration settings. Should you inadvertently make a mistake, you will always be able to revert to the previous setting.
  • Users should be aware that in the case of Diagbox, Lexia. PP2000, there are no 'undo' or 'reset' options. Once a parameter is changed and 'committed', it cannot be undone without manually changing it back to the previous value and committing the change again.
  • Members should be aware that the ECUs in the vehicles Head Unit (or Audio System) in many cases also control certain functions of the vehicle other than the audio itself. Extreme care should be taken when making changes to settings.
  • Members should be aware that rarely are 2 vehicles or models the same, as each will have different equipment options and in turn these will have different configuration settings.
  • It is important to emphasise that some configuration options mandate certain values to be entered as default settings - despite the user thinking the option is incorrect. It should be noted that the same BSIs are commonly used in many different vehicle models and therefore require a different configuration. As a consequence, some functions are handled differently from model to model whether via the BSI or by an individual component ECU.
  • There will be options in the configuration tables that are not fitted or relevant to your specific vehicle and therefore you should not change these settings.

Member List (Updated March 2023)

Member Map Link

AJM C5 Located: Poitou Charente, France.

Andy F Located: 5 mins away from the M5 junction 11 in Gloucestershire.

Aneesh Located: Lisbon, Portugal.

Ben82 Located: Örebro, Sweden.

c.morewood Located: Kemnay, Nr Aberdeen.

cachaciero Located: Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

Chris570 Locatred: St. Neots.

CitroenCrazyLocated: Hinckley, Leicestershire.

citroenmad Located: Hartlepool.

CitroJim Located: Near Milton Keynes, Bucks.

coastline taxis Located: South Shields.

Danbj Located: Tenterden, Kent.

Davetherave Located: Norwich.

Deanxm Located: IOW, Newport/Ryde.

dhallworth Located: Glasgow.

DickieG Located: George Green, Bucks.

Edherz Located: Colchester.

ekjdm14 Located: Congleton.

evilclive Located: Settle, Yorkshire.

feef Located: St. Neots, Cambs.

fikse Located: Bergen, Norway.

GF1969 Located: Ashford Kent.

harryp Located: East Telford. Temporarily unavailable

JGRA1 Located: Edenbridge area (Kent / Surrey border).

kingfajad Located: Kings Lynn area.

m300td Located: Near Telford, Shropshire.

MGMike Located: South Queensferry (north west of Edinburgh).

MH123456 Located: Carlise, Cumbria.

Mihail_M Location: Belgrade, Serbia.

MikeT Located: Christchurch, Dorset.

MJM Located: Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire.

Nemo26 Located Arnsberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

OSX Located: Bristol.

Paul-R Located: Wirral, Wales & Liverpool.

RichardW Located: Lanark, but work in Grangemouth.

Spiff. Located: 10 miles from Helston SW Cornwall.

Stickyfinger Located: Between Frome & Shepton Mallet, Somerset.

Taffy Located: Swindon.

tomjyoutwit Located: Coventry.

Trainman Located: Preston.

white exec Located: Sayalonga, Malaga, Spain.

wideboyno1 Located: Walsall.

Wurlycorner Located: Chelmsford, Essex.

Member Map Link

Anyone wishing to be added to the list and map or to change their details please PM one of the Admin Team.